Family portraits
Family portraits...
Galerie Rosa Turetsky presents for the first time a monographic exhibition by the protean artist Virginie Delannoy.
The desire to work on the theme of masks is the starting point for this series. Masks conceal and reveal, providing anonymity to their owner, replacing facial expression with a fixed representation, but at the same time intensifying the gaze.
Virginie Delannoy's masks always take the form of buildings, and she sees the façade as the equivalent of the human face, like its architectural double. The façade can be seen from the outside, but it also contains an interior, an intimacy.
This series questions our relationship to architecture and the home. To what extent are we inhabited by our living spaces? To what extent are they alienating, revealing parts of ourselves?
Verticale et concentrée, 2021
Bâche, scotch, œillet
330 x 440 cm