Variances and matches
Musée Barbier-Mueller and Jacques Kaufmann, ceramic artist
An exhibition
The project was built around the comparison of pieces selected from the Barbier-Mueller collections and works that Jacques Kaufmann has produced in his studio and in the world, over a long period of time, trying to identify the points of encounter as well as the gaps.
With the viewer as the artist, this exhibition links works of different origins, temporalities and materialities, so that the visitor recreates his own correspondences, enriching the proposed resonances.
An encounter
The Barbier-Mueller Museum is a sanctuary for objects of diverse origins, each more remarkable than the last, and its collection is internationally recognized as a Mecca for the so-called "primitive arts", or "distant arts", depending on the variation in terminology over time.
Ceramics, which is part of the field of contemporary art and its contextual practices, also seeks to encounter what is permanent and what is different within human expressions, through time and space. In the field of arts, the past does not really pass. The forms are reactivated, re-emerge, reappropriate each other, find each other again.
The gaps, correspondences, conjunctions, analogies, and intervals between works allow us to perceive everything that can contribute to making effective this collective effort of humanity over time to respond to its fundamental needs of a spiritual nature. The permanence and movement of forms contradict the notion of progress in art.
This exhibition is part of the program of the 50th Congress of the International Academy of Ceramics, which will be held in Geneva from 12 to 16 September 2022.
Une figurine néolithique d’Anatolie en calcaire dans les collections Barbier-Mueller répond à l’œuvre Origine/L’ombre d’un doute de Jacques Kaufmann, 2021, impression sur terre.
Musée Barbier-Mueller, photo Luis Lourenço.