Antonio SEGUÍ
Lights of the Night
Bringing together historical and recent works, the exhibition "Lights of the Night" testifies to the inexhaustible imaginative richness of Antonio Seguí and his impressive mastery of pictorial techniques.
His paintings, in which crowds of characters cross paths, stare at each other and cohabit, tell the story of the world in which we live. In this human comedy, whose characters form a universe that is both unique and universal, Seguí, who has often said to us: "It's up to you to make history", offers us the freedom to make our own way.
Antonio Seguí was born in 1934 in Córdoba (Argentina). Since 1963 he has lived and worked in France. He has had more than three hundred solo exhibitions in museums and galleries around the world, and his works are present in most of the major international museums.
Antonio SEGUÍ
Sentirse con Derechos, 2021
Acrylique sur toile, 81 x 100 cm