
Rosa Turetsky Gallery

New paintings

Entitled Untitled, the exhibition offers an overview of the recurring themes and techniques in Gabutti's research through works on canvas and paper, many of which are large-scale and previously unseen. Among the works on display are a number of oil-on-canvas paintings from the new cycle dedicated to water, created in 2023 and 2024.

"Andrea Gabutti's particular figuration - writes Marco Franciolli (former director of MASI - Musée d'Art de la Suisse italienne) - is the result of a long and complex path of experimentation, mainly focused on nature and landscape, begun in the early nineties. In his works, the sense of landscape is expressed through the signs, traces and hatching that characterize drawings and paintings; the artist's deep relationship with nature and its elements is reflected in all his works, which are at once the fruit of the senses, reason and imagination".

Andrea Gabutti
Sans titre, 2023
Huile sur toile, 160x240 cm