
Espace Muraille


Since first showcasing her video work at her Whitney Museum of American Art retrospective in 2002, Michal Rovner has pioneered the use of the moving image as a non-narrative, non-cinematic medium for the creation of painterly images and installations which, like painting and sculpture, conjure the timeless realities in a way the narrative arts cannot.

“I’m not trying to ignore or get away from reality, but to detect something about reality, which is underneath the details, underneath the story.” -Michal Rovner

Abandoning any sense of narrative, Rovner displaces her figures in fragmented sites. Time seems like an event without beginning or end. These abstract, painterly video works explore reflections of an unresolved reality that is troubling. The work of Michal Rovner is particularly relevant today, in a world immersed in crisis of displacement and dislocation.

"The faith of the uprooted, their ceaseless, epic wandering, is at the heart of the work of Michal Rovner" - Simon Schama (from BBC's Civilizations)